Stellt die Friedensfragen!


Erstellt am 21.04.2008 von Andreas Hermann Landl


Vorarlberg~ Niederösterreich ~ Burgenland ~ Steiermark ~ Oberösterreich ~ Salzburg ~ Kärnten ~ Tirol ~ Wien

Ambitionierte Regional-KorrespodentInnen wenden sich bitte an

DeutschlandStrategiekonferenz zum Jahresauftakt 2005 ~ SCHWEIZ ~ ItalienSüdtirol ~ Slowenien ~ Ungarn ~ „Slowakei“ ~ Tschechien

Ambitionierte Auslands-RedakteurInnen bzw. KorrespodentInnen
wenden sich bitte an

Friedenstermine für ganz Österreich

Friedenstermine für die Welt – von globaler Bedeutung


Terminplan der EU-Ratsvorsitze für den Frieden? „Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE)“ „Nato Partnerschaft für den Frieden?“ „Deutschland“ „Italien“ „Frankreich“ „Tschechien“


Internationale Frauenliga 2007

International Peace Research Association

International Peace Research Association (IPRA) Calgary 2006 Conference

IPRA Biennial Conference “Patterns of Conflict Paths to Peace”

Calgary, Canada June 29-July 3, 2006

Waging peace is the greatest affair of mankind in the 21st century, the basis of life and death, the way to survival or extinction. Hence, it is imperative that it be thoroughly studied. (What Sun Tzu said about waging war is even more true for waging peace.)

We would like to invite IPRA members and others to provide proposals for papers, panels, or other contributions

The next biennial conference “Patterns of Conflict, Paths to Peace” will be held in Calgary (Canada) from June 29 to July 3, 2006. Our Calgary team is taking the lead in organizing the meeting. The members of the Council and Commission Conveners are working hard to compose exciting panels and discussion sessions.

The plenary themes for the Calgary conference will be the followingd
Aboriginal Canadians on peace

Peace and the environment

Peace journalism

“Professionalism” in violence prevention and peace building

Peace research and action: regional trends in the 21st century

Security with a human face

Sustainable peace building architecture
Deadline for submission of proposals was 15 February 2006!
Mahnwache fuer den Frieden


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