Stellt die Friedensfragen!


Erstellt am 28.01.2008 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde mal gelesen und am 02.04.2009 zuletzt geändert.

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Austria,  a Memorial Sculpture will be unveiled on Friday 14th of March of 2008 at 11:00 am at Westbahnhof Station in Vienna.

 Für Das Kind – Vienna by artist Flor Kent

The sculpture will 

honour the People of the United Kingdom for saving the lives of thousands of Austrian children between 1938-39

The tribute is planned to be unveiled by Mr Werner Faymann, the Minister of Transport of Austria.

A number of those rescued children, now in their seventies and eighties are expected to attend the event along with other official guests.

Most of the children left towards Great Britain from Westbahnhof Station during the Operation Kindertransport in 1938-39.

The ceremony will fall  on the 70th anniversary of the „Anschluss“ – Annexation of Austria by Germany (German Reich) when troops of

  • the German Wehrmacht and
  • the SS crossed the German-Austrian border.

Hitler announced the legislation on the


Posted in Friedensarbeit, Friedenskultur, Österreich, Termine, Wien, Zivilcourage

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