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New Tribunal Website Launched

Erstellt am 11.12.2008 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde mal gelesen und am 11.12.2008 zuletzt geändert. Hague, 10 December 2008

Many think, that US-lead und NATO interventions in former Yugoslavia and Irak should also be examinend The Hague but aside from equal Rules for all Nations war crime ist war crime and should have negative incentives for criminals.
The Tribunal today launched a new website intended to provide audiences with greater information about its history, achievements and ongoing work.

Together with a fresh new look, the site contains many innovative approaches and additional content to promote a better understanding and appreciation of the Tribunal’s historic mission and the role of international justice.

Already a global leader in judicial transparency and accountability, the Tribunal presents the new website to further strengthen this position by providing a broad range of materials to cater for diverse audiences, from legal experts through to those people and communities most effected by the crimes adjudicated by the Tribunal.

As well as maintaining the best and most popular elements from the previous site – such as the web broadcast of trials and information sheets about every case – the new website provides some specially developed original material, such as an interactive map illustrating the crimes in the former Yugoslavia investigated by the Tribunal. Additionally, more audio-visual material is incorporated, allowing audiences to obtain insights into many additional areas of the Tribunal’s work. Such material includes a tour of the Tribunal’s Detention Unit, the testimony from witnesses whom have appeared in the court, a Photo gallery and much more besides.

The site also features sections for specialized audiences. A Legal Library contains all the main legal documents regulating the work of the Tribunal, from the Statute through to member state cooperation and the rules governing Defence. It also contains specialist research tools such as the Appeals Chamber Case Law that provides summaries of all judgements and significant decisions issued by the Appeals Chamber since 2004. Elsewhere on the site, The Cases section provides more than 35,000 documents made up of Indictments, Judgements, as well as key Decisions and Orders from each case.

In addition to giving readers a look in to the Tribunal’s pioneering Outreach work in the region of the former Yugoslavia, the site provides information about the vital and unparalleled capacity building work conducted by the organisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and other territories.

The Tribunal’s website attracts significant attention with several thousand visitors each day and a total of several tens of millions of page hits every year. During the course of 2009, as the Tribunal prepares to complete its mission, it is planned for further material and important new sections to be added to the site. One such section is the ICTY Court Records, a complete multi-lingual and searchable database of all public filings from every Tribunal case. The website will, with such a critical volume of materials, be an important legacy product for audiences around the globe.

The new address for the ICTY website (in English) is

The Tribunal acknowledges the kind support in the development and maintenance of the site to xs4all (Amsterdam), Tower Interactive (Dublin), Domovina (Amsterdam) and colleagues in New York.

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

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Posted in english, Europa, Gewaltprävention, Global, Internationales Strafrecht, Krisenregion, Menschenrecht, Peacebuilding, Unfrieden, USA, Völkerrecht

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