Stellt die Friedensfragen!

An introduction to

Erstellt am 07.12.2003 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde mal gelesen und am 06.06.2008 zuletzt geändert.

Andreas Landl 2005:

Einführung in – in German/Deutsch is online since july 2003. We understand our work as an online-magazin with explicit fokus on peace journalism. is an austrian online-magazin for peacenews who thinks global and acts mainly in Vienna – Austria – Europe and on a global UNO- or NGO-level.

It is a spin off effect of the Austrian NGO „Humanistische Plattform“, a member of „Netzwerk für Frieden und Gewaltfreiheit“ (Network for peace and non-violence) where about 35 austrian organisations of the „Austrian Peacemovement“ cooperate to
realize common projekts.

Friedensnews provides information from
a non-profit „peace journalism“ perspektive. It makes links and draws
connections between movements around the world, which are all
struggling for social change through nonviolent and peaceful means.

for nonviolent activists

Friedensnews is not only a magazine
about international politics as it is played out by power politicians
behind closed doors. It is also about tranparency and change at the
grassroots level, where individuals and groups are discovering and
making use of the power they have. Friedensnews is also an
activist/campaigning magazine – written by, about, and for activists
and campaigners.

published since 2003 is one of the important medias of pacifist and
nonviolent thinking and action in especially in german talking regions.
It worked until 2004 in close Cooperation with the radio-project

Originally formed to cope with the new armament and violene boom since the end of the xx. century.

isn’t just for committed rational pacifists, but is essential reading
for all german-speaking activists, political students, researchers and
concerned citizens interested in the nonviolent transformation of the
world we live in with peaceful means.

do their best thinking and reflecting

Friedensnews is written by, about and for people actively engaged in
nonviolent social change. It is a place for debate, inspiration and
information (conflicts, peace education, projects where the austrian
peace movement is engage in, timetabels of peace events from the local
austria level up to global important events, many links for all kinds
of peace relevant themes). Workshop plans appear alongside historical
analysis, strategic debates alongside statements. You can find long
stories on a particualar theme, international news, reports form peace
movement and resarch events, cartoons and letters forum our readers.

for a nonviolent r/evolution

Friedensnews is about radical social change
– „nonviolent r/evolution“ – and our aim is to support and connect
movements for radical change around the world. By reporting and
analysing what these movements are doing – and why – we hope to inspire
others to action.

contact: redaktion @ +43 699 11 36 27 99



Posted in Friedensjournalismus

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